The very first Tatty Ragdoll

The very first Tatty Ragdoll
I am alive!!

Saturday 13 August 2011

Dreams or ....


I am slowly beginning to get used to little Tatty Rd's dreams, although how she shows them to me, is beyond me...  but anyhoo the very idea that she would w\nt to eat a 'burger' that is soo much bigger than herself is waaay out of comprehension!

WTH!! LMAO what would you call that anyway?

then teh very idea of a dream jumping to going to a funfair after eating the enormous burger .. can only be described a 'STOOPID!
Her and her dream monkey friend looked a bit green round the gills!!!

I certainly hope they had something to *barf* in!!

Thing was as i can only interpret these dreams into what i think she is trying to say, the last 'projection'  would have been ok, IF she had got into bed, and NOT played under it with the 'dust-bunnies', does she not clean in her dreams?

come to think of it, i do not 'clean' while dreaming, but then again, i do nto have 'dust-bunnies' under my bed either hehehe

Just goes to show we all dont dream about the same things .. just as well really *cough* LOL

Tatty xx

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